a) Which of the suggestions mentioned here are you actually following, or thinking of following soon?
I´m taking care of my self trying to stay in some every night I can, thats because I spend so much time reading and preparing my self to class that I barely sleep sometimes, so If I have some free time I spend it sleeping or just relaxing at home with my boyfriend.
b) With your teacher, talk about the meaning of these phrases from the article:
Your puppy fat has gone and you have your own place? I dont really know what this means, but Im guessing that is something related to this new independence we have got coming to college.
Give your liver a breather: It means that you need to take a break to relax or is going to make you feel stressed out even more.
Quaff beer with your mates: drinking every time you have the chance with your friends of school, oftenly.
Stock up on plump, fresh fruit : eat fresh food like fruits and vegetables, making yourself healthy.
Do regular hamstring stretches: do some exercice to warm up your body and make your self more muscular or atractive.
Many blokes regard their 20s as their cowboys-don’t-cry decade: it is very typical that guys of our age have a very bad life style doing exercice all the time and drinking beer and going out late, which is not good at all.
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