martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

So far, so good.

After reading a pile of articles, chapters of books and other very interest texts I couldn`t get what was so great about them if all what they said to me was non sense... They were written in an other time, when a different paradigm was ruling the streets. I just started studying public administration a while ago and Im just beginning to understand the real stuff. Is hard to catch up when teachers encourage you to read things that apparently are not related at all with what you think this major is about, but after all I think it does. I learned to give up a lot of time before getting the real meaning of the things I was learning. It happened that way when I read a book by Douglass North, an famous economist of the 90`s that won the nobel prize. The book was about institutions and the role of them in economics, society, politics. It was the first time in this semester I read someone who was saying things that would make sense to me. His ideas are so true, they work perfectly with the real world of the XXI century.
So, If I had to choose someone that does a great job and that I think is the best on my field, so far I choose North; I think he is a great genius in the matter of economics and the development of institutions. It hasn`t been in vain his work, because has brought a new way to do things in here, and I like it.

sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009

post correction

So, this is my favorite picture. It was taken at the Lincoln memorial in D.C. by my host-mother Liza while we were on a trip to Virginia for a funeral of a friend of Liza´s mom. That day we took a long walk through the mall of Washington D.C. We went to all the museums that we could, and then we went to the WWII memorial and saved the Lincoln memorial for the end. I am a big fan of Lincoln, because he was one of the greatest presidents in the history of America. He was such a pragmatic man that could do everything without thinking on his convenience or the convenience of the parties that he represented, but he did the things thinking on the common good. So, I was very excited when we got there. This beautiful place reminds us of the bases of democracy and civil rights. Although the reason for the trip was sad, I DID HAVE AN AWESOME TIME! I loved D.C. from the moment we arrived there. It is such a beautiful city, full of tress and huge parks to go out running with your dog. They also have amazing places to go out, have dinner or just to take a break. The houses and buildings architecture´s is amazing. If I had to choose a place to live, I would live there.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

A career that chose me.

I kind of got here because of destiny; I wasn’t chasing for this specific career or thought about it too much. I have learned that life goes and comes, you cannot pretend to have an exact plan for your life because you don’t know where are you going to end up at last- I used to thought that every step of my life that I have planned it was going to be followed correctly, but for some reason or another, it never happened that way.
So, I figured out that when you know who you are and what you want -with all your soul- no matter what, everything is going to be fine and it’ll all fall into place at the right time. That’s how this career chose me, sort of. I just allowed myself to follow the flow without worrying so much.
I always had the idea of contributing to the world as a whole; I would regret spending my entire life just thinking about myself and money issues. I have been so lucky in my life that I think I need to return in some way, and this is the way I have chosen. I would love to work for the development of Latin America, but for that I need to be brave to confront difficult realities that will put me on the edge of risk or depression, I don’t know ha, ha, ha. Also I need a complete resume with different areas of study, like math… which is very difficult to me. The other areas are fine, I enjoy pretty much every subject, so besides number, I don’t really think I will have much trouble.
I know is going to be hard- impossible for some of you- to “save the world” in one day, and the context probably will try to put you down, or my interests will change, turning me on a greedy old lady… but I seriously think that this is not about ME, is about everything in the world that is not going ok… I just feel responsible for it, ignore it is not the option right now